You know, I used to naively believe that the healthcare industry meant well. That researchers and doctors and big pharmaceutical companies maybe didn’t always get it right, but that they were at least doing their best to help sick people.
And so I assumed that radiation and chemotherapy were the best solutions we’ve come up with so far in the fight against cancer. They don’t necessarily work, they can be expensive and painful, but they’re the best chance we have.
It makes me sad to think just how naïve that belief was.
A six time Nobel Prize nominee, Dr. Budwig is known for alternative cures to cancer. Before her death in 2003, she enjoyed remarkable success treating cancer patients around the world, and was said to have a 90% cure rate using a unique combination of diet, quark cheese, and flax seed.
Yet, despite her widespread success, which was first published way back in the 1950s, the rest of the medical community hasn’t embraced her protocols. In fact, it has perhaps even actively tried to keep her knowledge hidden. I know I’d never heard of her until recently. Instead, they continued down the traditional path of chemo treatments and radiation. Why is that?
It saddens me greatly to think that large corporations are more interested in profiting from cancer than curing it, but that’s certainly what the facts suggest.
Cancer is the most profitable disease in history. And more money is made by keeping patients alive, but still sick. Sadly, that’s exactly what current cancer treatments do. Patients’ lives get prolonged, yet only a very small percentage are ever actually cured. Most are bankrupted trying to pay for treatments that do more harm than good.
If I was diagnosed with cancer tomorrow, I would be extremely torn about what to do. Because Dr. Budwig’s plan hasn’t been well received, there aren’t reliable statistics to know just how effective it is. But I do know that I read more and more about acidity levels in the body and how they create an environment for cancer to thrive.
A diet which helps to alkalize the blood and get all of the body’s cells oxygen makes a lot of sense to me. Dr. Budwig had great success oxygenating her patients. Here are some of the main parts of her protocol:
- Take this mixture at least once a day
– 1 cup quark cheese (goat is the next best)
– 3-5 tbsp. flax seed oil (or 1-3 of freshly ground flax seed)
– A dash of cayenne, garlic, or red pepper
- Diet Recommendations
– No sugar, processed foods, soft drinks, butter, margarine,
– Only organic, grass fed, free range meat
– No commercial salad dressings or mayonnaise
– Drink plenty of tea, preferably peppermint, rose hips or grape tea
– Drink plenty of freshly squeezed juice, especially carrot, celery, and apple
– Get a good dose of vitamin C daily
To read more of her recommendations check out Healthy Wyze.
It’s heartbreaking to think about how many lives could’ve been saved had traditional medicine embraced Dr. Budwig. I don’t know how effective her diet is, but it seems far better than the alternative.
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